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A Letter to My Friend in an Abusive Relationship

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNT chapter.

To the best friend I’ve ever had, 


There are so many things I want to tell you in person right now, but I know you won’t listen. I know you’re blinded by the empty promises he is giving you and the fake words of affirmation he throws your way. I know you want so desperately to be in a relationship that you will take anything he throws at you, including his controlling tendencies, him screaming at you like you’re a child, him calling you stupid and insinuating that you’re a whore, his manipulation, the way he isolates you from your friends and family, and so much more. I know that you turn a blind eye to every one of his abusive ways, and I know that you’ll leave me on read or change the subject if I even try to talk to you about this, but I have to get it off my chest. I have to tell you everything that’s on my mind and hope that one day, even if it’s years in the future, you’ll know that my intentions were good. 


First, I want you to know how absolutely amazing you are. You have the unbelievable ability to make anyone around you laugh, and I’m not just saying that because I tend to laugh at almost anything. You are the lost loyal person I’ve ever met, and when you give someone the honor of being in your life you put them before anyone else. You are one of the best people I have ever had the privilege of knowing, and I wish more than anything that you could see that. 


And I wish that you knew that you deserve someone who sees how amazing you are. I wish that you knew that you deserve so much more than what he is giving you. Someone worth knowing and loving you will see how amazing you are and treat you as such, but it isn’t him.


I want you to know that there are better men out there. I know that I speak very lowly of men most of the time, but I know that there is someone out there better for you. I refuse to believe that this man that emotionally abuses you is your soulmate. I refuse to believe that the universe gave someone as amazing as you someone as horrible as him. I refuse to believe that he is the one for you. Instead, I believe that there is someone out there that will not only let you be independent, but encourage it. I believe that there is a man out there that would never even think of screaming at you for 30 minutes straight or accusing you of flirting with his friend. I believe that there is someone out there that will look at you and treat you like you hung the moon and put the stars in the sky, and I believe that you’ll find him some day. 


Lastly, I want you to know that I will always be there for you. Whether you get out of this cycle of abuse in 10 minutes, 10 months, or 10 years, I’ll be here to help you pick yourself up and realize everything he was to you was wrong. I’ll let you cry on my shoulder for as long as you need. I’ll stock my freezer with every kind of ice cream for you to eat when you’re feeling down (except mint chocolate chip because you know how I feel about that). No matter how hard he tries to pull you away from me, I’ll work a hundred times harder to keep you close because that’s the friend you deserve. 


So when you’re ready, know that I will be there to help you dig yourself out of the hole he’s thrown you in. You’re the best friend I’ve ever had, and I’ll never stop fighting for you. 




Your Best Friend