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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNT chapter.

We often think we need to reach a certain level of success or self understanding and acceptance before someone will be willing to relinquish some of the love in their heart to us. The reality of this way of thinking is that we are not yet ready to receive authentic love. It isn’t necessarily that no one wants to give it to us.

The reality is that we don’t feel like we’ve done enough to deserve the kind of love we dream about, and we might be fearful that we aren’t worthy of it.

This is simply the mind sabotaging the heart’s chance at fulfillment. Here’s the truth.

You deserve love right now. You don’t have to earn it when it’s given sincerely. You deserve love as you are. You deserve a love that’s vast, vibrant and forgiving. You deserve a love that shares in your triumphs and one that will hold you in silence as you verbally alleviate the weight of your concern. You deserve a love that wants to make up for prior acts that have diminished your sparkle, not because it has to but because it wants to. You deserve a love that embodies both the simple and the extraordinary because you carry those very same magical properties within you. You deserve a love that’s enthusiastic about you. You deserve an effortless and effortful love. You deserve a love that takes interest in you. You deserve love.

I write this as someone who fell in love with a phenomenal human soon after beginning a pivotal journey of growth and healing. I’m still going through the thick of it by the way, and he’s still holding my hand every. Day. ;)

You don’t always get to choose when it’s most right to be in love much like you don’t always get to choose when it’s the best time to start healing from your past.

There was a brief moment when I felt deeply apologetic for bringing my partner into this process with me. I felt that he didn’t get the version of me he deserves, the one he probably thought he was signing up to be with.

My partner immediately reminded me of the strength, self-awareness and maturity it takes for someone to finally confront their feelings and shake hands with them. He is proud of me even when I can’t distinguish my progress from failure. He sees me and never lets me get far when I try to make up lies about who I am. He reminds me who I am and enthusiastically embraces me as “who I am” begins to morph into something else. This is the love I’m talking about.

You may not be ready right now because the person who is worthy of you has not made it into your world yet. When they navigate to you, or in my case back to you, you’ll be ready. All I ask is that you let them in.

They want to grow with you – with all of you. Growth will strengthen your connection to yourself and to those you love.

I am a journalism student at UNT, with a minor in music. My passions are writing, singing and sipping strong coffee! I am particularly interested in aiding young women on their journey to finding peace in the midst of pain. I feel that there is much to learn from each of our unique positions and various lived experiences. Together, I hope we can find fulfillment, joy and inspiration in life!