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How a Morning Routine Can Change Your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNT chapter.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Most will check their phones first thing in the morning. Let me tell you why that isn’t the best habit. Your mornings should be all about yourself and setting yourself up for a good day. Tons of people do not have a morning routine, and they just rush through their mornings to get where they need to be. I have been that person and everything that could go wrong when I just needed to run out of the door would go wrong. I’d drop my breakfast, spill my coffee, or forget something important for my class like my laptop. When these things happen, they automatically put someone in a bad mood and we (or at least I thought this) come to the conclusion that it is going to be a bad day because of those inconveniences. All of these things could easily be avoided by incorporating a nice, slow morning routine. 

Checking your phone as soon as you wake up is one of the most harmful things you could do to yourself. If you think about it, you’re immersing yourself in other people’s lives before your own. Not only that, but it makes you less productive because instead of getting up and drinking water or stretching, you’re delaying your daily responsibilities by staying in bed scrolling through social media. Breaking this habit is hard, and I still struggle with it at times. We all want to wake up and just stay in bed for a bit while checking Twitter or Instagram, and it’s okay to do that once in a blue moon. Having a morning routine though will make you so much more productive and it will start your day with positive vibes, trust me!

I am the type to always be running late for no good reason. The only thing I can be on time for is work, but I will almost always be late to anything else. I knew that not having a consistent routine in the mornings was setting me up for a stressful day, so I attempted to change my ways. I began waking up 30 minutes earlier everyday just to give myself time to slowly wake up and make some coffee to enjoy after I was ready or while I got ready. I do not check my phone until I have finished making coffee and planning my day, I consider that my “me-time.” I suggest incorporating one thing at a time so it doesn’t overwhelm you. Try to wake up 15 minutes early to do something you enjoy doing when you have more time–it could be taking a longer shower, planning your outfit for the day, doing your makeup, or even some yoga. Once you’ve got that down and it’s become a habit, incorporate one more thing. Maybe you prefer drinking your coffee at home rather than taking it on the go (I’m that person), so give yourself time to enjoy it. 

My morning routine has changed my mood and my productivity, and I feel so much more motivated when I follow my routine. If you still don’t have ideas for a solid morning routine, I’ll go over mine even though it’s not too long. I try waking up at the same time every day that way my body is adjusted to the time rather than constantly changing it and messing with my sleep schedule. I’ll wake up, open my blinds to let in all that natural light (this also helps with seasonal depression) and sit in front of my window for about five minutes while taking deep breaths. Once I’ve done that, I go to my planner and begin planning my day in detail: goals for the day, workout of the day, and a list of things I want to get done that day. After all of that I get ready and eat breakfast/have coffee before I head out the door. Breakfast is essential for me, without it I cannot function nor move on to lunch–it’s weird. Customize this however you’d like and try sticking to it for a week or two, it will turn into a habit after that and I promise it will change your life! Remember, do not check your phone until your morning routine is complete! This is time for yourself so leave it charging somewhere further from you or leave it on “do not disturb” so you are not tempted when you get a notification.

I am currently a junior attending UNT attempting to finish school one semester at a time with the help of writing and coffee. I'm majoring in Journalism in Digital and Print with a minor in Marketing.
Scotlyn is a UNT alum, Class of 2020. She graduated with a degree in Digital and Print Journalism and a minor in English. During her time with Her Campus, she served as the Chapter President for two years, and also held positions as Chapter Advisor, Writer, and Chapter Expansion Assistant through Her Campus Media. And yes, her name is like the country, but spelled differently.