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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNT chapter.

Sometimes I hate being happy

I want to drink and make mistakes

I hate waking up and seeing the sun

I want to dance in the rain

I call him up and lay in his bed 

Then get mad when he messes with my head

I don’t care if it’s happened more than once

I like partying with regrets, it makes it more fun

I want to go 60 in a 20 

So let me go

I want to be silent 

Throw away my phone

I’m so tired of trying

To be the good girl

The one who keeps the peace

I want to scream

And curse in your face

And show you everything that you do 

To me

I want to break the glass that held me

In confinement 

I want to cut the brakes to the car

of the lover who broke my heart

I want it all

So let me be unhappy

Where the clouds are gray 

Let me see the dead flowers 

And taste the flat champagne 

Forget everything the therapist said

And let me tell you my sweet lies

That you’ll believe

Because that is the true me.

I am a junior at UNT and I am majoring in journalism. I love to write about anything and everything. I’m probably somewhere listening to Taylor Swift while writing about life.