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Editor’s Picks: Makeup Products

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNT chapter.

I’m a huge fan of makeup. In fact, that is where most of my extra money goes. I love try new products and I’m always searching Trendmood for recent releases, but I always end up going back to my tried-and-true favorites. Below I am going to share all my favorite products, a mix of drugstore and high end, and why I love them.

Face Primer. Quench Hydrating Primer from Tarte’s Sea Collection has been a constant in my life since I first bought it. I never realized how much dry skin really effected me until i started getting some hydration! 

Foundation. I’ve only tried a few foundations, and since I have sensitive skin, most don’t work for me. I am currently using Makeup Revolutions matte foundation, which goes to well with my Tarte primer. They work together to make a blank canvas for me every morning. 

Concealer. Tarte’s Shape Tape. A staple in most beauty guru’s makeup routine, it is full coverage and hides the bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep I get. I use shade ‘fair,’ and though it pretty much blends in with my foundation since I am so pale, I think it blends in really nicely.

Translucent Powder. I recently bought BareMinerals translucent setting powder, and it is the best I have ever used. The last powder I used was NOT my color despite claiming to be translucent. Perfect for both baking and setting, this very, very fine powder has become a staple in my beauty routine very quickly

Bronzer. I use Too Faced’s Chocolate Soleil in Medium to Deep Matter Bronzer. It’s a little warm for me, but with such pale skin, I think it brings the right amount of color when I use it sparingly.

Blush. Too Faced’s Love Flush in “Baby Love’ is the most beautiful blush I have ever put on my natually-pink face. It’s a muted pink, and helps bring life to my face. I was previously using one that was much to deep for me, but this dusty rose color is perfect for all skin tones.

Highlighter. I knew from the beginning that I was going to struggle from the one, and I was right. In the end, “MoonChild” by Anastasia Beverly Hills won me over. My favorite shades in this palette are ‘Blue Ice’ and ‘Pink Heart.’ ABH is one of my top brands of all times, and their highlighters are no exception. 

Eyebrows. ABH Brow Wiz. That speaks for itself if you ask me. 

Eyeshadow Primer. I use Too Faced’s Shadow Insurance. There’s nothing to special about it, and there are many cheaper dupes for the product. But it works, so I find myself reaching for it most days.

Eyeshadow. Currently my favorite palette is my Morphe 350M, but with a collection like mine, it changes weekly. I also love all ~six~ of my ABH palettes. It’s unhealthy, really. 

Mascara.I typically use Too Faced’s Better Than Sex mascara. I sometimes mix it with mascara by Maybelline, but since they aren’t cruelty free, BTS does to trick quite nicely.

Lipstick. Jeffree Star’s Christmas Cookie liquid lipstick. I recieved this as a gift last year and use it almost everyday. Regardless of if you support Jeffree or not, this is the perfect nude and am constantly looking for a cheaper alternative for it since I use it so much!

Setting Spray. Finally, I coat my face in the famous Urban Decay All Nighter Setting Spray. It makes sure my face doesn’t melt off no matter what I’m doing.

Scotlyn is a UNT alum, Class of 2020. She graduated with a degree in Digital and Print Journalism and a minor in English. During her time with Her Campus, she served as the Chapter President for two years, and also held positions as Chapter Advisor, Writer, and Chapter Expansion Assistant through Her Campus Media. And yes, her name is like the country, but spelled differently.