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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNT chapter.

If there is anything this season of my life is teaching me, it is that I have control over my actions and reactions, and to also be patient with life and to enjoy the flow while I’m actively working to become better. That may sound like a mouthful, but it’s the essence of what I’m saying that’s important. 


We expect tomorrow but it never comes, and we accept yesterday as a memory. The present moment is all we have; yesterday cannot be changed, and tomorrow cannot be predicted, but what we can do is control ourselves in the present moment and become more aware. 


Centering in on myself as a person is probably what sparked this thought. I used to drift day by day, and I still do sometimes because I’m not perfect, but becoming more aware has triggered my mind to alert me when I do drift. If you don’t know where to start, look on the outside because it’ll reflect the inside. How are your relationships? What does your morning routine look like? Have you tackled your goals this month yet? If I’m not feeling healthy I probably need to amp up on some fruits and veggies. If I’m restless, I probably need to stop procrastinating or I need to practice artistic expression. I’m learning how to be me… if that makes sense.


I’ve begun understanding what ‘now’ really means. Now is not an after thought it is an action–I have the ability to reshape my day, week, year, and potentially life by acting now. Taking advantage of this moment right now will shift you, constantly take advantage of now.


There’s a quote by Lisa Nichols that rung in my mind for hours after hearing it– “Don’t wait another day, it is a bold assumption that you have another day.” Lisa often tells people to live their lives ‘full out,” so the longer we are dormant in our lifestyle, we cannot fulfill what she is asking. 


We are owed nothing in this life except death, and this is a humbling thought. We are first born, then we really become alive when we realize death is inevitable–that is when we place a purpose upon ourselves. Not every single person is meant to carry out the same life or same responsibilities as the person before them, do we need structure though? Yes! Allow your mind to drift if you don’t have any clue on what your purpose is; don’t be afraid to wonder either. Your imagination will take you further than you can ever dream, but you have to let yourself be comfortable with it. After you wonder, take action to make the next move easier. Oprah Winfrey said on an interview to “focus on the next right move.” Don’t get stuck looking at the big picture all day–minimize it into baby steps.


We are not perfect; enjoy the process of molding yourself into who you’re meant to be. For me, it’s learning to enjoy each half-way mark during cardio training in the gym, and for you if might be waking up at the first alarm in the morning. The little things add up, each baby step will move you forward. Change happens due to action, not thought.


I would drag this on but I feel like my point was made. Take advantage of right now and make your life yours. 


When your days come to a close, who do you want to be remembered as, and what can you do right now to make you that person?

Just a girl with enough on her chest to make some noise.
Scotlyn is a UNT alum, Class of 2020. She graduated with a degree in Digital and Print Journalism and a minor in English. During her time with Her Campus, she served as the Chapter President for two years, and also held positions as Chapter Advisor, Writer, and Chapter Expansion Assistant through Her Campus Media. And yes, her name is like the country, but spelled differently.