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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNT chapter.

What would have happened if ego would have sat away?

The lack of effort is what turned us gray.

The rose that dangled in my face was a tease.

You were the one to make me grin, to put me at ease.

The clock ticked closer to no remains.

And as I sit here, all that’s left is the pain.

I never apologize, it’s my pride.

I stayed bitter because what if we had tried?

I was nervous when I saw you in your suit.

You forgot who you were with, being the forbidden fruit.

A year goes by and you see me in my navy lace dress.

Your eyes let me know that I could impress.

It’s been a year now and we haven’t spoken a word.

But what is compelling is what I have heard.

The rumors go this way:

“He talked about you every single day”

Maybe I walked away too soon.

Maybe you could have gone to the moon.

Here it is, I’m sorry for my outburst.

But a friendship shouldn’t be forced. 


I am a junior at UNT and I am majoring in journalism. I love to write about anything and everything. I’m probably somewhere listening to Taylor Swift while writing about life.