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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

We have finally arrived at that point in the semester where motivation has hit an all time low because lets face it, Thanksgiving and Christmas break are only a few short weeks away. For all those people trying to catch up on months of slacked work or those of you trying to act like you have your lives together, you all have probably claimed the rights to a chair in the college library. With two coffees and empty wrappers of food on all the desks, there is a heavy feeling of internal crying and sleep deprivation in the air. Do not forget that we are all in this together (queue high school musical).

People watching in a college library is just as entertaining as watching people in the airport. For all of those individuals who end up in the library for more than 3 hours you start to notice things. You start making eye contact with those struggling around you. You make up a competition with who will be the first to leave because the library really is the epitome of survival of the fittest. We all have our own way of studying which has now morphed into our library personality. So, what type are you?

The Ponderer: these are the people that sit and think about life. Whether it is about school, work, or just anything they are at the library to stare into space and just think. These people do not even bring a backpack.

The Bring-it-All: they bring everything they own to the library. Whether that is their textbooks, notes, computer, mousepad, mouse, and 2 pairs of headphones (of course one pair needs a backup) it all has to be there. Their level or preparedness is off the chart.

The Expector: they expect the same spot every time they come to the library because they are regulars. Just as you expect the barista at Starbucks to remember your name, they expect their classmates to remember their routine spot. They will often have a minor freakout finding a new spot.

The Amateur: they are not a regular and honestly have no idea what to do in a library. They have yet to explore the deep dark crevices of the library and just seem to wonder around with confused looks on their faces.  

The Jammer: while studying they have to have tunes playing no matter what. The tapping of the foot and pen turns into a musical that no one appreciates besides the Jammer.

The Sprawler: their intentions are to get work done but they have their own way of doing so. Whether that is having a leg up on the desk (uber flexible) or sitting sideways on a chair they are always looking slightly uncomfortable in their preferred position. 

The Loud Talker: who says that libraries have to be quiet? While everyone is giving them an intense side eye they seem to not care because they will talk out those concepts until they get that A+.

The Napper: these are my favorite kind of people. They seek out the comfiest couches and chairs in order to take a nap. Whether it is on purpose or they are just fed up with their workload, they can sleep for hours.