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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.


Finals are almost here and the stress is beginning to pile up. With Thanksgiving break coming to an end, we are only left with two weeks to study as much as we can while also finishing up last minute projects before it is time to buckle down and ace all those finals! I know for some people finding the most effective ways to study can be an issue. Well I have got the fix for you! If you follow all (or most) of these great study tips here, the success of your studying will definitely show in your final grade (and I mean that in a good way)!


1.Prioritize the tests that matter the most

You make think that you need to commit equal time studying for each exam, but the truth is you need to decide which area you need to commit more time to in order to get the grade that you want. You excel in different areas, and those are the ones you can spend less time studying, thus not taking away the opportunity to really commit yourself where you need to.


2.Make Flashcards

If you are that last minute studier, than making flash cards is your lifesaver. It’s a much better strategy to do last minute than starting on page one of your textbook and it can even earn you a few more points on test day!


3.Take snack Breaks

Taking a five-minute break every hour is healthy for you brain, allowing your body to produce more fuel for you to keep on studying! It is also proven that it IMPROVES your studying as well. Take a walk and munch on some of these yummy snacks:

·      Almonds

·      Fruit

·      Yogurt

·      Dark chocolate


4.Get a good night’s sleep

It may be tempting, or a horrible habit, to stay up all night studying as much as you can for the exam. But it is much more effective to get an ideal eight hours of sleep the night before the exam. Getting a good amount of sleep will give you the energy and focus you need to get that grade you crave!



There is no better way to relief stress from worrying about finals than exercise. But remember not to overdo it to cause you to be exhausted or procrastinating too much. Go for a game of racquetball or a light run. Even a brisk walk will do the trick! Take a short break to allow your mind to rest and rejuvenate before hitting the books again!


6.Find a quiet place to study

Studying for finals may be the last thing you want to do- thus causing you to procrastinate even more! But don’t! All you need to do is find a quiet place to study that will allow for complete concentration. Choose a comfy place with zero distractions; no cell phone, Facebook, Pinterest, or boys!

You may be lost as to where to find a place in Lincoln, NE that abides by these rules. Don’t fret any longer, though, because I have the solution for you! Here are many places located near the University that are very conducive for productive studying:


The Coffee House

  • 14th and P Street

Quilt Museum

  • 33rd and Holdredge

Love Library (the “stacks”)


  • 14th Street

East Campus

Sheldon Art Museum

  • 12th Street

Engineering Library

  • 16th and Vine