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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

Only five more weeks until summer! Unfortunately, it’s that time of the year we all dread and we feel like we’re stuck in a rut. Some spring-cleaning in your life might be what you need to get out of that rut! Here’s some tips to (try to) survive the last few weeks of the semester:

1.     Don’t just clean. While a clean room or house can definitely help you to think better, sometimes you need a complete change. Try rearranging your room or replacing things like pictures and accent pieces. It seems silly, but a change of scenery can completely change your mood.

2.     Switch up your route to class – or anywhere, for that matter. Instead of walking straight to class, try walking along a different street and by different buildings. After taking the same path to class every single day, your brain starts to become unaware of your surroundings. Keep your mind fresh by trying something different.

3.     Say goodbye! …to all those Facebook friends you roll your eyes at. Get rid of the complainers, the drama queens, and the fighters. Keeping these people and their posts in your life is only an annoyance. You’ll begin to notice how much nicer life is without all the negativity.