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Sleep Naked

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

Has your skin been feeling dry from all of this blustery cold weather? If so, you need to start sleeping naked… with a naked face that is! Below is a great bedtime skin routine for you to follow.

1.Makeup Remover: It’s always important to remove all of your makeup at the end of the day. If you don’t, your pores will become clogged with dirt and oil, which can cause you to break out. I recommend using pond’s cold cream. It is gentle and gets the job done quickly and easily.

2.Exfoliator: The next step toward smooth skin is the use of an exfoliator. This product will remove all of the dry/dead skin off of your face. When shopping for an exfoliator I’d recommend looking at the ingredients. You want to purchase one that has natural ingredients, such as sea salt and olive oil. Never exfoliate with a product that contains harsh perfumes and dyes. My current obsession is Tulip Olive Dead Sea Salt Scrub with Olive Oil.

3.Toner: After you wash and dry your skin, wipe it down with a toner. My favorite is Dickinson’s Original Witch Hazel.  A toner will help to shrink your pores and remove all excess dirt and makeup residue. You should apply your toner with a round cotton pad.

4.Moisturizer: Finish your regimen off with a moisturizer. I prefer Clean &Clear Dual Action Moisturizer. This will keep your skin hydrated though out the night. Also when you wake up, it will be much easier to apply your makeup.

If you follow these four steps every night you will be on your way to a flawless face.