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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

Name: Ryan Major ’16

Year in College: Sophomore

Major: Supply Chain Management

Relationship Status: Single

Campus Involvement/Activities: Dance Marathon Morale Captain, President of UNL Breakdance Club, RA

HC: What do you like to do in your free time; any hobbies/special interests

RM: Dance, Play Frisbee, Tennis, and Coffee House Chillaxing.

HC: Where do you see yourself in ten years? 

RM: Living in L.A. or N.Y.C. dancing or starting a family.

HC: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? 

RM: Amsterdam for a vacation that I will never forget! 

HC: If you could change anything about yourself, woud you? And what would it be? 

RM: I wish I was two inches taller.

HC: What are your pet peeves? 

RM: Close minded personalities.

HC: What are your worst fears? 

RM: Snakes and Gross Insects.

HC: We’ve all had embarassing moments… would you mind sharing one of yours? 

RM: None that are coming to mind, but I am extremely embarassed snapchatting in public.

HC: And of course I have to ask, what’s your favorite part of being a Husker? 

RM: The magnificent feeling on Game Days like hearing the stadium roar and watching the red sea glide. 


Think fast….


Celeb Crush: Chachi Gonzales

Favorite Movie: Dumb and Dumber

Biggest Turn Off: Cigarettes

Superpower that you’d like to have: I would absolutely LOVE to FLY!!!



I am from Murray, Nebraska. I am a Fashion Journalism Major and Spanish Minor.