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Ryan Geisert ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

Name: Ryan Geisert
Year: Sophomore
Hometown: Lincoln
Major: Chemistry (Pre-Med)
Relationship Status: Single
Campus Involvement/Activities: I’m involved in a few things. I’m a Chemistry lab TA, the associate director for FCLA, a member of my fraternity, Phi Delta Theta, and I’m a mentor for a 12 year-old at Skoh middle school. 

HC: What do you like to do in your free time; any hobbies/interests?
Ryan: I’m really into adventurous sports, like scuba diving, bungee jumping, skydiving, and rock climbing, but there isn’t exactly a lot of that in Lincoln. When I’m here, I watch a lot of Netflix and spend time with friends. I don’t have much time for anything else because of schoolwork.


HC: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Ryan: Hopefully living in a coastal city (fingers crossed for Seattle) and starting a family. Ideally, I’d be a practicing pediatric oncologist by then, but, to be honest, I still might be in medical school at that point.


HC: Describe your dream girl, or what you look for in a girl.

Ryan: I look for a girl who goes after the guy. The coolest thing a girl can do is come up and talk to me or ask me to hang out, because almost no girl does something like that. A girl who’s that confident is awesome. She’d be cute and smart as well, but confident for sure.


HC: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go, and why?
Ryan: Queenstown, New Zealand. I traveled there the summer after my senior year of high school, and it’s the coolest place I’ve ever been. It’s the adventure capital of the world, and definitely a place I could see myself spending a month or two.
HC: If you could change something about yourself, would you? And what would it be?

Ryan: I sleep talk. A lot. It’s kind of funny, because I say some really ridiculous stuff, but I’d rather just be a normal sleeper.

HC: Any pet peeves?
Ryan: I can’t stand selfies.


HC: What’s your worst fear?

Ryan: Honestly, I’m so terrified about accidentally walking into the women’s bathroom.


HC: We’ve all had embarrassing moments… Care to share any of yours?
Ryan: I’ve been singing in the parking garage elevator at like 2 a.m. before because I thought there’d be nobody around. The elevator doors opened and three really attractive girls were on the other side and just started laughing because they heard me. Not my proudest moment. 


HC: If a huge inheritance came your way, what would you do with it?

Ryan: Go to space for sure. 


HC: And of course I have to ask, what’s your favorite part of being a Husker?
Ryan: Gameday. You can’t beat gameday. 

Okay, think fast!

Favorite food: Sour Patch Kids.
Celeb crush: Jennifer Lawrence
Favorite movie: A Walk to Remember
Biggest turn off: Gross tattoos
Superpower: Time travel