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NRFF Student Ambassador Elect: Shelby Tucker

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.
Shelby Tucker
Year: Sophomore
Other campus involvement: UNL Cross Country/Track and Field, Montage, HerCampus, Scarlet Guard
Anna Keiser & Shelby Tucker
What is the National Retail Federation?
The specific mission of the NRF is “to advance the interests of the retail industry through advocacy, communications and education.” The NRF is the world’s largest retail association and represents retailers of all sizes from the United States, and various other countries. Retailers support one in four jobs in the United States, contributing $2.5 trillion to annual GDP, which makes retail a daily barometer for the nation’s economy. The NRF has a campaign, called Retail Means Jobs, that emphasizes the economic importance of retail and encourages policymakers to support a specific agenda aimed at boosting economic growth and job creation. (http://www.nrf.com/modules.php?name=Pages&sp_id=146&pmenu_id=1&mn_type=1)
What is your role as student ambassador?
As a student ambassador I will act as a liaison between the NRF and the student body, mainly social networking information, providing links, passing along announcements/messages, paying attention to the NRF student newsletter, and spotlighting items of interest via social media.
How did you get elected?
One of my professors asked me if it was something I would be interested in doing, so I looked more into it and told her I was interested. The Textile department faculty had a meeting and elected two students to be the ambassadors. Currently, I’m the Ambassador-elect and Anna Keiser is the Ambassador. So basically I’ll be working with Anna until she finishes her B.S. next Spring, and when she graduates I’ll be moved up to the Ambassador position.
What do you look forward to most about the position?
I look forward to being a part of something new to the Textile program and being able to learn more about the NRF itself and what they’re all about. The NRF provides a great scholarship opportunity as well that will be introduced to students in the Textile department in the near future that they can apply for. Basically, I’m excited to get more involved in something that has to do with my major, and the fact that it’s a resume builder doesn’t hurt either!