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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

Name: Mitchell Faltin

Year: Sophomore

Hometown: Omaha, NE

Major: Electrical Engineering

Relationship Status: Taken

Campus Involvement/Activites: Phi Psi fraternity, Intramural sports, work at the Engineering Library


HC: What do you like to do in your free time; any hobbies/interests?

Mitchell: I like to jam out with my friends and longboard on nice days or nights. I am also a new fan of rock climbing.

HC: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Mitchell: With facial hair.

HC: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go, and why?

Mitchell: Portofino, because it is beautiful. It is the most perfect place in the world.

HC: Favorite college memories so far?

Mitchell: Meeting my best friends freshman year.

HC: If you could change something about yourself, would you? And what would it be?

Mitchell: Nah, I feel pretty good.

HC: Any pet peeves?

Mitchell: People who don’t ask questions but expect to know knowledge. People without curiosity.

HC: What’s your worst fear?

Mitchell: Obama

HC: We’ve all had embarrassing moments… Care to share any of yours?

Mitchell: I fell hard off my longboard in front of the union. Ya know, one of those falls where your feet hit the back of your head.

HC: Did you do anything for Spring Break?

Mitchell: Why yes, I nurtured baby seals off the coast of Africa.

HC: And of course I have to ask, what’s your favorite part of being a Husker?
Mitchell: My education

Okay, think fast!

Favorite food:  Steak
Celeb crush: Emma Stone
Favorite movie: Anchorman
Biggest turn off: Attention seekers
Superpower: Telekinesis