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Mitch Belina ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

Name: Mitch Belina
Year: Freshman
Hometown: Howells, NE
Major: Landscape Architecture
Relationship Status: Single
Campus Involvement: Navigators, FFA Alumni, Intramural sports, and Farmhouse fraternity

Hey Her Campus readers!  If you like to have a good time and get a good laugh in, be on the lookout for this week’s “Campus Cutie”!

HC: What do you like to do in your free time; any hobbies/interests?
Mitch: Work out, run, download music, chill with my bros.

HC: Describe your personal style.
Mitch: My personal style?  Welllll, I like to bring laughter into things I guess.  I’m generally a pretty sarcastic guy, and I like random sequences of events.

HC: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Mitch: With a family, kids, and a job in the landscape architectural field…living a wonderful life!

HC: Favorite musician?
Mitch: Impossible question.  I really like Mumford and Sons, Kid Cudi, The Bravery, etc.

HC: The lovely question, what do you look for in a girl?
Mitch: What do I look for in a girl……funny is always good, good personality, easy to talk to, and cute, of course (I like pretty eyes).

HC: Tell us a little known fact about you.
Mitch: I’m left handed?

HC: Describe a typical day at UNL.
Mitch: Ummm, a typical day would probably consist of…well, getting up, all those fun classes, working out somewhere in the mix, and then for the most part doing homework or just chilling the rest of the night.

HC: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go, and why?
Mitch: There are so many places I would want to go!  I’d probably go with either Scotland or Ireland.  I think the scenery would be amazing, and just the culture in general would be pretty sweet to see.

HC: Any embarrassing moments that we could get a laugh about?
Mitch: Well one of my buddies and I shaved our legs for our initiation week to bring our wake-up call to its maximum potential.  They were very smooth.

HC: Any fun plans for Valentine’s Day?
Mitch:  That would be a negative.

HC: And of course I have to ask, what’s your favorite part of being a Husker?
Mitch: Game day, of course!

Okay, think fast!

Favorite food: Chicken alfredo
Celeb crush: Jessica Alba
Favorite movie: Honestly, at the moment, “Pitch Perfect” (Fruity, I know)
Biggest turn off: Self-obsessed
Superpower: Anything Thor-like