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Mike Brunson ’13

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

Name: Mike Brunson
Year: Senior
Hometown: Greenville, SC
Major: Marketing
Relationship Status: Single
Campus Involvement/Activities: Intramurals, UNL American Marketing Association


HC: What do you like to do in your free time; any hobbies/interests?
Mike: Exercising, hanging with friends, and vacationing.

HC: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Mike: I would like to have a fun marketing job. I’m not sure what I want to do yet.  It’d be nice if I could vacation with friends and family often and just enjoy life. Oh, and maybe be married?

HC: Describe your dream girl, or what you look for in a girl.
Mike: A girl who is independent and has a great personality. Having a sense of humor is very important too. I would prefer a girl who is very outgoing. Also, a girl who likes to stay fit and is always down to have a great time with friends. 

HC: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go, and why?
Mike: I would love to visit Hawaii.  I’ve always seen movies and shows about Hawaii and it’s such a beautiful place. I could relax, go hiking, learn to surf, and enjoy great weather all at the same time.

HC: If you could change something about yourself, would you? And what would it be?
Mike: I wouldn’t mind being taller, but other that I wouldn’t change anything about myself.

HC: Any pet peeves?
Mike: When someone borrows something of mine and doesn’t put it back how they found it.

HC: What’s your worst fear?
Mike: Probably that I won’t be successful in life.

HC: We’ve all had embarrassing moments… care to share any of yours?
Mike: My sophomore year I was leaving Cather and I fell halfway down the front entrance stairs. A guy and his girl saw me and just burst out laughing.

HC: And of course I have to ask, what’s your favorite part of being a Husker?
Mike: Being a part of a great tradition and all the friends I’ve met since being here.

Okay, think fast!

Favorite food: Italian
Celeb crush: Lacey Chabert
Favorite movie: Ocean’s Thirteen
Biggest turn off: Rude/stuck up girls
Superpower: Flying