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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

Wyn Wiley is not your average college student. Only being a junior, he already has his own photography business and a large network of people to back him up. Not only is he soaring high in the business world, he is a unique individual who has a personality unlike any other. His love for cats alone sets him apart from the crowd. He is a carefree guy who loves to meet new people, smile, and make others happy.

What year are you at UNL?


What is your major?

Advertising and entrepreneurship

What are you involved in on campus?

Big Red Singers, University Singers, Jacht Club, student government, Daily Nebraskan.

What do you like to do for fun?

Pet cats, take photos, find people who will change lives, learn from them, and try to order the largest Qdoba burrito I can.

How/why did you become interested in photography?

I was 15 and picked up my dad’s camera and started shooting my cat Pepper. It was true love.

How did you start your photography business?

I just shot everything I could and everyone I could. To be honest, it’s a crazy thing that I ended up sticking with it because frankly, I flat out sucked for a good year or two. But thankfully, people believed in me and I’ve kept on shooting till today. I really tried to build my business off of relationships and getting to know the clients I photograph. I want them to be friends- it just makes everything so much fun.

Do you work alone or have a team?

Alone but occasionally I have an assistant or two help with holding gear. I also have a ton of kick ass models I work with if you consider that part of a team.

What is your favorite thing/person/place to photograph?

My favorite thing to photograph are moments when people are most truly themselves. And I like taking photos of my cats too.

Do you have a certain style of photography?

Nope! with me there’s no set style, no method, and no niche. And why? Because I don’t want to shoot any one thing. I just want to have fun shooting rad stuff and meet some good people along the way. So, if that’s shooting a wedding, some portraits, or a cat’s portraits. Sweet. i’m game.

What has been the most interesting photoshoot?

Probably macklemore. That guy is crazy cool. 

What do you want to do/accomplish in your future?

Smile and make people smile. 

Are you currently employed anywhere else?

I’m not but I volunteer with YMCA summer camps and the Humane Society.

How would you describe yourself in three words?

shoot, love, repeat