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A Healthier, New, Rejuvenated You!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

When coming to college, most people leave all they have learned about a healthy lifestyle at home. Integrating a few of these easy, rejuvenating tips can get you back on track toward a healthy well-being and more energy than you have ever had!

  1. First of all, get enough sleep. Simple as that. Six to eight hours is just the right amount to wake up feeling chipper and ready to attack your day!
  2. JUST GET UP- don’t start the “domino” effect that will keep you in bed until noon or later. Once the first alarm goes off, don’t hesitate to get out of bed and stay out of bed.
  3. Make time for a real, nutritious breakfast- no fast food or pop tarts, people!
  4. Start your day off by taking a nice, hot shower to wake up and feel fresh.
  5. Even better than taking a hot shower- workout first and get a good sweat in, THEN take your shower. Even just 15 minutes of light exercise that gets the brain pumping is good enough. Or be that over achiever and go all out with a heart-pumping workout.
  6. One trick to enjoying your morning routine is to prepare everything the night before and lay it out  your clothes and book bag so you won’t be frazzled while rushing out of your dorm or appartment.
  7. Wake up with a grateful attitude- write down or mentally think of some things you are truly grateful for in your life. Starting out positive and reflective will jumpstart your day with a smile.
  8. Fine a gentler alarm clock that wont startle you out of bed so rudely.
  9. Do some stretches to liven up your muscles and prepare your body for the day you have ahead.

Everyone needs to remember that being healthy doesn’t always revolve around diet and exercise. Taking care of your inner self and your body are mandatory if you want to see the effects of your hard work at the gym and your disciplined attitude in the kitchen. Your well-being is very important and needs to be taken care of in order to feel fully alive and happy. If you begin to notice that you are spiraling downhill,  integrate  just a few of these healthy tips into your routine each morning and you will be feeling rested, relaxed, and recharged in no time!


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