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The Freshman 15: Advice for Your First Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

Here’s 15 pieces of sage wisdom, from a college sophomore who totally knows what she’s doing.

1. Find a secret study spot.

Really, this pointer just implies that you study. College is different than high school; your professors don’t know how busy you are with other classes or that you’ve been feeling sick. And for the most part, they don’t care. Not because they’re bad people, simply because they have other things that demand their attention, and you passing their class isn’t their main priority.

2. Ask questions all the time, to anyone that will answer them.

3. Revel in the small things.

After living in a dorm for a year, I cannot explain the simple joy of waking up in the morning and not having to climb down a ladder, or the feeling of bare toes on the floor of a shower. College should make you appreciate things like the taste of something that has been cooked in an oven, or the fact that you don’t have to scrounge for quarters when you need clean underwear.

4. You don’t know everything, and you shouldn’t pretend to.


Just do it. Get to know your professors, and your time spent in that class will be worth so much more.

6. Why are you travelling in a pack? Stop that.

There are few things that will peg you as a freshman more than a need to travel in a group of eight to ten girls EVERYWHERE. Do you really all have the exact same schedule? Learn how to love alone time.

7. Ask for a date…actually, DEMAND a date. 

College dating is a whole different game. You are “growing up” and that’s why it’s totally acceptable to ask for a real, live, in-person date rather than a solely textual relationship. Your time is precious, so don’t give anyone permission to treat it as anything different.

8. Doubt.

One of the best things you can do for yourself is doubt. Doubt your major, doubt your religion, doubt your lifestyle. Internally question yourself so that you never settle for a life not worth living. Once you think about that doubt, give yourself opportunities to grow, to change, and to refashion your life into something fabulous.  

9. Find the Real People

This may not be your roommate, or even your best friend from high school. Accept the fact that your friendship circle doesn’t have to be those from the same background, race, religion, or ethnicity as you. Branch out.

10. Let yourself go.

Sometimes, there are things more important than showering. A lot of things. It’s not necessary to have everything together all the time. Cry. Cry all the time, because no matter what anyone tells you, college WILL be hard in more ways than one.

11. But then bring yourself back.

Take a deep breath. Meditate. Think about showering. Remind yourself that it will be okay and your whole life isn’t over if you forgot about a deadline or fell down a flight of stairs in front of a huge crowd. Because both of those things will happen.

12. Don’t say I’m too tired (too often).

These four years (or five or six) will go by fast, as cliché as it sounds. Don’t miss out on the awesome, crazy, fun part of everything!

13. “Anything Can Happen”

Quoting my girl Ellie Goulding, anything can happen. You’re here for a reason, and you should never stop trying to figure out what that reason is.

14. Call your Mom.

Your parents miss you. They love you. Call them, and not at four in the morning to gloat that you’re out and about and they can’t do anything to stop it.

And finally,

15. This year will be what you make it.