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Chris Martz ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

Name: Chris Martz
Year: Junior    
Hometown: Omaha, NE
Major: Fashion Merchandising
Relationship Status:  In A Relationship
Campus Involvement/Activities: Sigma Nu Fraternity, Intramural Sports

HC: What do you like to do in your free time; any hobbies/interests?
Chris: I like to hang out with my good pals, play sports, sleep, and party like a rockstar.

HC: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Chris: Working in Chicago for a major clothing company, or just being super rich like Gatsby and never having to work.

HC: Describe your dream girl, or what you look for in a girl.
Chris: Dark hair, green/ brown eyes, has a good personality—mainly has a warm heart and the personality of an angel.  

HC: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go, and why?
Chris: Dubai.  It’s a pretty cool and futuristic place, and I like what the future has to offer.

HC: If you could change something about yourself, would you? And what would it be?
Chris: My height.  I think it would be pretty magnificent to be tall.  I’m basically perfect other than that.

HC: Any pet peeves?
Chris: When people chew loud on everything they eat.

HC: What’s your worst fear?
Chris: Fear itself…or the ocean—you never know what’s in it.

HC: Any embarrassing moments that we could get a laugh about?
Chris: I asked my current girlfriend out one night and she didn’t hear me, so I continued on and acted like it never happened.

HC: Halloween will be coming up before too long…any plans?
Chris: Probably go to a pretty crazy party in a super crazy, scary costume, or go trick-or-treating in my neighborhood; either/or really.

HC: And of course I have to ask, what’s your favorite part of being a Husker?
Chris: Definitely the atmosphere.  I never go to the games so I can’t say that.

Okay, think fast!

Favorite food: Steak
Celeb crush: Mila Kunis
Favorite movie: Brokeback Mountain or RENT
Biggest turn off: Girls that constantly talk and try to outsmart me. It’s not possible.
Three words to describe yourself: Perfect in every aspect, funniest kid alive, and wild
Superpower: Flying.  You can get away with a lot of things.