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Campus Cutie: Colton Langsam

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

Name: Colton Langsam             

Year: Freshman

Major:  Agriculture Engineering

Relationship Status: Single

Campus Involvement/Activities: Theta Xi Fraternity, ¼ Scale Tractor Team, Hay Market Theater Tech Volunteer 

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I see myself working in D.C as a Congressman or lobbyist for Agriculture, Married with kids

What are your hobbies? Tinkering with anything, Football, FFA, Raising Stock show animals and hanging with my friends

What are your pet peeves? People who chew with their mouths open and people standing around doing nothing and me working hard on something.

Worst fear? Being in a car, and the car going into a body of water


Think fast!

Favorite food? Tuna Melt!

Favorite movie? Forrest Gump

Biggest turn off? My biggest turn off is when a girl has no hygiene

Celeb crush? Kat Dennings and Katy Perry

Superpower that you would like to have? The ability to read minds

Self-proclaimed feminist killjoy and young politico.