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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

Spring is officially upon us, and with Spring-time comes The Big Event! For those of you collegiettes who don’t know what this marvelous event is all about, don’t fret, we’ve got you covered. 

What is The Big Event?

The Big Event was started as an organization at Texas A&M in 1982, and it’s now a national organization.  It was started at UNL in 2006.  Through one large day of service, volunteers aim to give back to local communities.   The motto is “One Big Day, One Big Thanks” to show gratitude towards neighbors through service-oriented projects.  The Big Event is based on core values of service and unity.  The needs of the community are top priority and service is not based on socioeconomic class; it’s meant to show that one day is something anyone can take out of their “busy” lives to give to those around them and create unity in the community.

When is The Big Event?

The Event takes place on April 13th.  Last year there were almost 2,500 volunteers, and this year there are expected to be 3,000.  The Big Event takes place from 9 am until 1 pm, and breakfast and lunch are included!

What do volunteers do?

When signing up to volunteer, you can either choose to volunteer as part of a group or individually.  Volunteers are called about a week before the event, and are assigned with their location for the day.  Some volunteers will be working at non-profits around the Lincoln community, while others will work at private residences doing tasks like yard work and painting.

The volunteer registration deadline was on April 1st, so set a reminder on your calendar now to sign up for next year if you aren’t already registered for this year!  Visit the website if you want to learn even more: http://bigevent.unl.edu/


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