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5 Ways to Preoccupy Your Time During Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

Break is finally here for UNL students! There is no better feeling than leaving a class for the last time for the year. You explode from the doors out into the unforgiving cold for the last time until after break. You and I both know that you will spend the entire break snuggled under blankets watching Netflix falling in and out of holiday-break hibernation. But after the first few days, Netflix actually (surprising, I know) gets kind of old, but what else is there to do?

1. Cook

Now is the perfect time to try out new recipes you wouldn’t have time to make during the semester. Do some research on different food blogs and find one that you like. Find new recipes that you could make during next semester for lunches.

2. Try a new hobby

With all of the free time you have, it’s time to pick up a new hobby! Try bullet journaling, arm knitting or calligraphy! There are endless things to try, find one and harness your new skill during break. Here’s a website to help you get started.

3. Pick up a good book

If you’re like me, you don’t make time at all during the semester to read a book. I’m excited for break so that I can finally pick up and actually finish a book (or a series!).

4. Pick up more hours at work.

It’s definitely a nice time to get some extra dough, or make up for the money you spent on holiday presents.

5. Catch up with friends

We all become consumed in our busy schedules during the semester. We often times neglect our relationships (it happens!). Now is the perfect time to reach out to the one friend you’ve been trying to make plans with ever since the beginning of the school year.

Co-president of the UNL Her Campus chapter