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5 Time Savers That Will Make Your Life Easier

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

School, work, and extracurriculars leave little time for things we really want to do (like sleep). Here are a few quick fixes that will give you a few extra minutes in your day and make a major difference in your life. 

Buy a Planner

Recording things to do, phone numbers, email addresses, and online passwords will save you loads of time from having scattered lists or random notes on your phone. May Designs offers planners with fun personal touches, and Complete Class Organizer is an app that can take course notes, record lectures, and track your grades.

Exercise Faster

We all should carve out at least a little time during the week for some physical activity, whether it be in the gym or at home. This will help you study smarter, sleep better, and overall feel better. Studies say that you don’t necessarily have to completely stretch before working out. However, make sure to do some light cardio before you begin strength training. Check out these 15-minute workouts to make sure you’re fit without falling behind in other areas of your life. 

Learn How to Cook Quickly and Cheaply

And this doesn’t just mean Ramen, although that is certainly a viable choice if you are in rush and don’t mind loads of sodium. Learn how to make easy things like curry fried rice and tuna melt and cheese here.

Get Organized

Nothing will get you out of the door faster than being able to find your keys and knowing exactly where a matching blouse is. While getting organized may not seem like a very important thing to do, it will save you hours and hours. Look at this list from Woman’s Day to find simple ways that will save you time.

Use Lifehacker.com

From saving money on car repairs to ways on how to make 30 seconds of downtime useful, Lifehacker.com has thousands of ways to use your time productively and do-it-yourself projects to save money. Find them all here.