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3 ways to say adios to unwanted holiday gifts

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNL chapter.

Now that the holiday season is officially over it’s time to deal with the unwanted gifts you have so unfortunately acquired. Although the thought was there, the end result didn’t come out quite as sweet. I know how badly you want to wear the lovely hot pink sweater with a kitten on it that actually meows when you pinch the tail from grandma, just to make her happy, but I promise you granny would prefer you get something you’ll actually wear without crying. So to avoid dealing with your closest companions loving gift here are a few ways to ditch your unwanted gifts.

1.       Find a local buy and sell trade store. Just about everywhere you go will have one of these nifty shops. This only works for clothing items typically and sometimes even jewelry. Every store will have different requirements on what they can and can not take and how much they will give you for an item. These stores can be a good way if you do not have the receipt or are just a little too nervous to ask for it.

2.       Ask for the receipt?! Sometimes people will generously put them in the bottom of the bag but, if you are not so lucky you may have to ask. Some stores will allow you to exchange the item for something else. However typically this only works for a different size. Asking for the receipt may seem awkward but trust me it’ll be worth it. You will end up with something you love and the gift giver will be happy too.

3.       RE-GIFT, RE-GIFT, RE-GIFT! There is absolutely no shame in giving someone your unwanted gift. One man’s trash in another man’s treasure right?! So why can’t one girls ugly pink kitty sweater be another girl’s Friday night date outfit? A White elephant gift exchange is also the perfect place to say “see yah later” to unwanted loot.

Now that you’ve cashed in your merchandise and given away the undesirables, feel free to treat yourself to a pat on the back and mini by Deal Top”> shopping spree for a job well done. When opening on Christmas don’t forget to always say thank you, even if the package you open could scare John Cena into a coma. You can always walk away with what you’re really wanting and still feeling loved by family and friends. However if you’re really getting the short stick for presents maybe considering only asking for money (since you’re a struggling college student ;);) this way you can go to the mall and get exactly what your little heart desires most. Happy holidays from Her Campus <3

I am the oldest child of four and from Omaha, NE. I cheered in high school and was a part of the competitive team at my school. I love Nicolas Sparks movies and Lord of the Rings. I obsessed with American Eagle and yogurt covered pretzels:)