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The Second Annual Dutchmen Dip

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Union chapter.

The second annual Dutchmen Dip was held on March 9th, 2014 at Union College. The Dutchmen Dip is put on by the organization Colleges Against Cancer. The purpose of the Dutchmen Dip is not only to raise money, but also to promote cancer awareness. This year the Dutchman Dip supported Justin Lloyd and Nate Greenberg, who are both Union students, and Kristen Shinebarger, who is the daughter of Shelly Shinebarger, the Director of Student Services. This year the Dutchmen Dip was a huge success and raised over $9,500. Thank you to everyone who participated!!



Pictured above is the Union Men’s Lacrosse team participating in the Dutchmen Dip! (photo courtesy Nika Shelby)