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Five Ways to Stay Safe When Going Out at Night on Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Union chapter.

1.     Always have a buddy. It is extremely important to never walk around at night, whether it is going to or from a party, alone. Having at least one other buddy with you will help to keep you safe.

2.     Have Campus Safety’s number in your phone. Having the Campus Safety Office’s number preprogramed in your phone will help to save time if you find yourself in a dangerous or uncomfortable situation.

3.     Stay connected. Make sure to stay in touch with your friends who are not with you. It is important to have a phone on you to be able to know if or be able to call friends if they are in need.

4.     Be aware of your surroundings. Make sure to know who is around you when walking at night on or off campus. Make sure you acknowledge who is around you and what they are doing. If you see something suspicious do not be hesitant to call Campus Safety. It is better to be safe than sorry.

5.     Don’t walk with an iPod or headphones in at night. Listening to music at night causes you to lose on of your important senses. It is necessary to be able to hear and notice those around you to the best of your ability.