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Campus Cutie- Max Barrett

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Union chapter.

Name: Max Barrett

Age:  22

Hometown:  Concord, MA

Major: Geology Major and Environmental Engineer Minor

Relationship Status: In a Relationship

Celebrity Crush: I have a Massive Crush on Katy Perry

Perfect First Date: Maybe a baseball game on a summer night

First Thing You Look For in a Girl:  100% a sense of humor. Its by far one of the most important things to me.

Favorite Memory at Union:  Center Street when Union Hockey won the championship

What’s On Your Bucket List: Take a road trip from eat to west coast

Coolest Place You Have Ever Been To:  Interlaken, Switzerland

Place You Want To Visit: Amalfi Coast in Italy

Bio-chem major at Union College.