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Campus Celebrity: Emily Crandall

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Union chapter.

Emily Crandall, a senior at Union College, is beloved on campus! She is always smiling, positive, and one of the nicest people! Her charitable work and other activities has made Union a better place and a better school!

HC: What is your major?

EC: I have a double major in political science and history!

HC: What clubs and activities are you involved with on campus?

EC: On campus I’m involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters, I work at the admissions office, and I’m on the senior class gift committee. I used to play soccer my freshman year, it was so much fun, and I’ve always been involved in intermural sports on campus!

HC: What have you gained from doing Big Brothers Big Sisters?

EC: It has been really nice to get to know my “little sister” because we learn so much from each other, and it feels good to give back to the community. Every Saturday we go to West brunch and eat ice cream and tater tots, and then we usually bake cookies, do crafts, and watch movies. Overall there are probably 30 or 40 kids involved and it is a great thing for students to do, not only are you helping someone out but you can learn so much from them too! It’s a great way to spend your Saturday!

HC: What are some things that you’re looking forward to this spring term?

EC: There are so many fun things to look forward to spring term! I’m sad it will be my last but I’m going to make it the best spring term yet! My favorite thing about the spring is all the free barbeques around campus. My friends and I love to sit outside, listen to music, and go to all the different barbeques!