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5 Reminders for Studying Abroad!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Union chapter.

Studying abroad is an amazing experience! However sometimes traveling in foreign countries can be a little stressful so here are some items that will help make your travels fun and stress-free!


1.     Buy a Sleep Bag liner

This is perfect for staying in hostels or questionable hotels! Basically it’s a sheet in the form of a sleeping bag, and its super comfortable. I purchased the ‘Sea to Summer CoolMax Adaptor Traveller Sleeping Bag Liner with Insect Shield’ and it has been great! I chose to buy one with an insect shield but they also come without it!

Picture from- http://www.rei.com/product/867059/sea-to-summit-coolmax-adaptor-travelle…

2.     Get a travel backpack!

Make sure that you have a backpack that’s lightweight and can fit a lot of stuff! Some of the good ones are pricy but they are worth it, I use mine to go to class and when I travel on the weekends!

Above is the Osprey Firpoint 55 travel backpack, for more information click here

Picture from- http://www.ospreyeurope.com/gb_en/pack-selector/farpoint-55?#.VDLIYEsrhg0


3.     Look for Train Deals

When studying abroad your most frequent form of transportation is by train, even when you fly you almost always have to take a train to the airport! So definitely look for deals because train tickets quickly add up! If you’re studying in the UK I would definitely recommend getting a Student Rail pass.


4.     Bring a variety of Clothing

You may be studying in Greece, where you can wear shorts and tank tops on most days but do remember if you’re planning to visit friends in more northern parts of Europe bring fall clothing! It can never hurt to pack an extra pair of leggings and a thin sweater!

Picture from- http://fabfashionfix.com/style-watch-streetstyle-winter-inspirations/

5.     Have fun and be safe J

Most importantly have a great time and travel as much as you can! It’s important to always stay in a group and never wander off alone!