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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNI chapter.

Girls, lets face it. Today marks the inevitable end to the pumpkin-carving, costume-wearing, candy-corn-eating season we’ve all grown to love over these past couple of weeks. The trees are beginning to lose all of their leaves, the sun is beginning to go down sooner and sooner everyday, and those days we thought we were cold are looking warmer by the second.

But, don’t let that discourage you! It’s still nearly two months away from the first day of winter, we’re more than halfway through the semester, and before you know it, Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks will be upon us. Seems like just yesterday we were beginning our first classes, moving in our dorm accessories, and waking up early enough to get ready, eat breakfast AND get to class on time (ha!)—now we’re 10 weeks, and five campus cuties in to our semester. Congratulations ladies, we’ve made it past the midterm slump…only 6(ish) more weeks to go! But if that doesn’t bring you any consolation, let this week’s campus cutie keep you motivated!

Ryan Alfred is a Johnston native, and grew up there along with his mom, dad, and younger brother. He is a senior here at the good old UN of I, working towards his Social Science Teaching diploma. Upon listening to all of the activities this cutie pours himself into, it’s any wonder he’s able to attend school at all. “I’m the most overly-involved person,” Alfred commented while attempting to list off all of his various involvements. As a speaker for the NISG senate, a peer academic advisor for Bartlett,  and a member of Pi Kappa Alpha, Ryan can be said to have quite a bit on his plate.

I couldn’t help but wonder what would convince a college-aged student to become so involved, so, of course, I asked. “I wanted to continuously meet new people,” Ryan replied. It came as no surprise when Ryan pegged himself as a people-lover, “If one thing describes who I am, it’s people.” It appears, from previous interviews, Ryan has found himself at the right University—we’re apparently a people who love people. In fact, one of Alfred’s favorite parts of being a UNI student dealt with the students, “There’s a small atmosphere where you can know everyone…yet meet more people.”

As the interview went on, I derived another source for his need to be involved: hard-work. This simple, mid-western ideal not only encompasses the very being of this week’s cutie, it is also a phrase he chooses to live by. From the very beginning, Ryan reported his parents always instilling this ideal into him. “I learned from an early age, that you get what you put into it,” he reflected.

That phrase hit me. I circled it three times on my notes. After just getting over the most intense week of my semester, these words rang in my ears. Everything that I am, everything that you are, is a direct reflection of what you’re putting into your life. The grades you get (most likely) reflect the work you’ve been putting in. The alcohol that you may (or may not) drink on the weekends…that’s got to end up somewhere, right?

This cutie seems to have that all figured out. Not only is he pouring into his schooling, he’s also pouring into his life. Yes, over the past three years Ryan has served his school through his involvements and academic successes, but he’s also served his future. His motivation should make us jealous. But wait until you hear where it comes from. “[My motivation] came from being told I “can’t” at a young age…I was told I’d never go to a four-year college.” Well, look at him now ladies. He’s not only pursuing a four-year degree, he’s involving himself into every plausible activity.  “What I love, and what I think is important…my hard work ethic and humor…it all comes from my dad,” Ryan reflected when I asked who had inspired him to become the person he is today.

And who exactly is Ryan? He’s outgoing. He’s sarcastic. He’s a people lover. He watches Disney movies. He likes staying in with friends and relaxing. He’s a panther. He’s charismatic. He makes you laugh. (PS: if you were in the union during this interview I’m sorry if my laugh clouded your ability to complete your work).

Sadly ladies, this academic school year marks Ryan’s last year in our midst. His hard-work ethic is likely to take him far in life. Whether it be to graduate school in hopes of becoming a professor, or becoming a high school teacher, the sky is the limit for this one. I have no doubt that Ryan James Alfred, the cutie with three first names, will not take no for an answer. He never has, and never will. He is what you could call, our campus cutie “Yes man.”

Lottie is a junior at the University of Northern Iowa and she is a communications major with a journalism minor. She has always had a passion for fashion and writing, so she figured, why not combine them? She was a writer for Her Campus only one semester before becoming the Editor-in-chief and campus correspondent for fall of 2011. Lottie is very excited to take on the challenge and to make great things happen with Her Campus magazine.