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How to Spend Your Summer Vacation

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNI chapter.

No school work, no class, no nothing. What ever will you do with yourself over summer vacation? Here’s a list of some things to keep you busy.

Get an internship.
It’s not too late! Look around online for some great an internship to give you the experience you need for your career someday.

Lay on the beach.
Sipping on something ice cold. Now that sounds fantastic.

Do something adventurous.
Go on a hike, rollerblade, climb a mountain, go on a road trip — anything!

Read a book.
Wait, what’s that? You know, those things with pages. Go find one and find a spot outside in the sun to read it in.

Hit up your local animal shelter, donate to the food bank, or even just recycle.

Find a new hobby.
Want to be the next Michael Jordan? Here’s your perfect chance. Find a hoop, a ball, and some friends, and you might discover a new passion.

Get a job.
It’s always nice to have a little extra cash once school starts up!
What are you doing over the summer?