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How to Dress for a First Date

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNI chapter.

So, you have a hot date with a lucky man on campus? Now ladies, let’s be honest— No one wants to shuffle through their closet trying on numerous outfits when you can figure it out easily.

First of all, you don’t have to be overdone to look hot. If you’re all decked out on your first date, you may give the wrong impression of being too high-maintenance. The simplest outfit can make you shine just as much for the right reasons. Your date probably doesn’t even care about brands when it comes to clothes anyway. Chances are, most guys aren’t even aware of the fantastic designers we have out there. So get the brand-alcoholism out of your head and get to dressing yourself!

The most important tip that women can hear is be true to you. If you’re willing to throw your insecurities out the window, any outfit will work. Personal style is one of the best attributes to have since it expresses who you are through your clothing. When your personality shines through, it doesn’t matter what you’re wearing as long as your confidence is on queue.

Depending on where you’ll be going on your date, make sure your shoes will get you from point A to point B. Heels can be risky on first dates since you may not know where you’ll be going. They can be a distraction if you’re not comfortable being in them. All of your thoughts will be on your heels, wondering how much longer it’ll be until you trip and embarrass yourself, instead of the great guy escorting you to a concert, museum, or maybe even an amusement park. If you’re not aware of the venue, throw on some great flats, oxfords, or boots to be comfortable and dressed up just in case you’re not just going out to eat.

I pieced together some clothing that will help give you an idea of what to wear on a casual first date. Once again, being comfortable is important as well as being stylin’ and showing your true personality.

Want more Hilary? Check out her blog, The Hippinista!