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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

This is not as much a halfway point for me as much as it is a turning point. I don’t think of myself as being halfway done with college; instead I feel my life shifting around and beneath me as I watch myself get ready to make new decisions. Yes, two years are done with two to go, but the numbers are not my concern. I am excited for all the big changes coming my way. I know I will have an internship this year and this coming summer, where and what it will be is up to me (and some luck). I have finally discovered my true interests and now I get to refine my career and life goals around them. Each day I wake up with the knowledge that I am working towards what I want.

The work doesn’t feel half-done; it feels layered and it’s as if I can see each layer contributing to the future that isn’t in color yet. I am also at a point where the pressure is on and that pressure is certainly not half-felt. The questioning of what I am doing, and whether or not it is right, is at a new level that I have never known before. Being at a turning point comes with heightened anxiety because I don’t know where the turn is headed. I know where I end up will ultimately be right, but the not knowing of actually what it will be is agonizing. Overall I have begun this year full of hope and determination to propel my future in the direction it needs to go. I am living each day with excitement and will have much more to say when it is over.

I'm from Vermont but I don't ski and I don't like maple syrup.
This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!