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True Life: I’m Addicted to Pinterest

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

If you haven’t caught the Pinterest bug, you’re in for it now. Pinterest is a new website that is a mix of StumpleUpon and popular blogs. The website shares pictures and links to everything imaginable that would interest you. The pictures range from the most adorable puppy you could ever imagine to instructions on how to bake cheesecake Oreo chocolate chip bars.

The website is designed to allow you a space to save your favorite pins to your own login. When you see something that interests you like a recipe or a how to, you can repin and it will be saved under your specified category. You also can follow certain pinners all the time to see what they post on a regular basis. People that follow you on Pinterest get to see everything that you repin. Pinterest will entertain you for hours and hours at end, this I promise you.

There are all different categories for whichever mood your in, such as recipes if you are in search of something different to cook up this weekend, or exercise if you need some spice to add to your workout. Yet, somehow I always end up on the animal’s category where every picture will force you to talk in a baby voice and look in awe. There are tons of pictures that will inspire you and force you to think outside the box. It’s a dirty pleasure but you won’t regret it. You will be entertained for hours. You will soon feel that Pinterest makes you want to plan your wedding and be a housewife with all of the crafts and wedding ideas that are available on this site. Be sure to check it out, but don’t guilt me when you become addicted!

Marissa Marano is a senior at University of New Hampshire. She is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Communications with a minor in Business. She is from Danbury, Connecticut. She is involved in her sorority Alpha Phi at school as well as the Marketing Club. Outside of school Marissa enjoys blogging, traveling, and shopping.
New Jersey native, Stephanie, is a junior in the Whittemore School of Business and Economics at the University of New Hampshire. She is majoring in Business Administration with a dual concentration in Marketing and International Business & Economics. She loves the city and lived there last summer while interning for Ann Taylor. Stephanie loves sushi and Starbucks lattes. She is also a proud member of Alpha Phi and currently serves as the Treasurer on the Panhellenic Council.