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Tricks to Avoid Getting Sick

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

                This time of year it starts to get colder and everyone suddenly seems to be sick. It’s hard when everyone lives so close together and we all eat, study, and learn in the same places. Some things to remember when cold season is amongst us can be as simple as washing your hands. Here’s my list of go-to tips for preventing a cold.

  • Even the drunkest version of you should remember not to share drinks with anyone. Even when your best friend is begging you for a sip, pour some into a fresh cup and hand it over instead of letting her sip from yours.
  • Nothing can help you fight a cold off like sleep. There are only so many hours in the day (I know) but it’s important to get those 7-8 hours a night.
  • Remember to wash your sheets and towels regularly. It’s easy for germs to get trapped on or in the fabric of these items so it’s important to wash them in hot water as often as necessary.
  • Fruits and veggies are obviously necessary, but hey, I’m not your mom so I won’t make you eat the spinach if you don’t want to.
  • Be careful NOT to put pens or pencils in your mouth when you’re in class. Sometimes you might not even think about it when you’re doing it, but try to be aware – they could have nasty germs from desks in the lib, class, or your room.
  • Don’t forget to wipe your doorknobs, TV remotes and other things your hands touch with Lysol, soap and water or other cleaning products. Disinfecting things your hands and your roommate(s) hands touch often will protect not only you, but them from getting sick too.
  • Multivitamins never hurt. Taking a multivitamin daily with your birth control or your breakfast may help boost your immune system. Emergen-c or airborne can also be helpful if you’re feeling the beginning of a cold coming on but your body will excrete the extra vitamins if it doesn’t need them.
  • Throw out your toothbrush after you’ve been sick, this helps prevent getting sick again.
  • Don’t be afraid to go home to get some extra rest or TLC. Sometimes even a quick trip home with a home cooked meal, and your own bed can turn things around if you’re feeling a little sick.

Even if you follow all these tips, there’s always a chance you could get sick.  If you’re feeling sick and you can’t go home to see your primary care physician, you can reach UNH Health Services on the phone, online, or you can stop in for an appointment.

UNH Health Services Appointments – http://www.unh.edu/health-services/appointments

This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!