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Tips for Becoming a Vegetarian (in College)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

The old saying goes that college is the time to experiment and try new things and although that may not be directed towards changing your diet, it is the reason I have chosen to go vegetarian this year. Why not? My adventures of being a vegetarian have just begun but I can already tell you that it’s been the best decision I have ever made. I am an avid animal lover and ironically have always been a meat lover as well and although that is not the reason I chose to go vegetarian, it is definitely a plus!

Those that know me would say that I haven’t made the best decisions when it comes to what I eat but it’s not my fault guys, McDonald’s makes their food taste so delicious! Normally the thought of giving up meat would never cross my mind, but the idea of becoming a vegetarian popped in my head when I successfully gave up soda last year. I mean, if I could give up my “life support” what else could I do?!
Surprisingly, giving up meat has been a lot easier than I was expecting, especially since I did it cold turkey. I went into this with no planning whatsoever, which probably wasn’t the best idea, but with the internet at my fingers and help from a few fellow vegetarian friends and family, it has been a smooth ride so far – fingers crossed!
It has only been a few weeks since I’ve started but I have already learned so much about the lifestyle. If you’re thinking about becoming a vegetarian too or just curious, here are some things you should know.
1) It saves you money!
Going to college is expensive and so is meat. If you’re like me and desperately waiting on that paycheck to come so you can buy your groceries…or those pair of Frye boots you just have to have for the Fall, having a little extra money in the pocket is definitely welcomed!
2) You’ll get cravings and it won’t be pretty.
This could be just me because like in pregnancy some people get cravings some don’t, but I seriously have sat on my couch whining about wanting a nice juicy burger to my roommates more than once. I’m sure they’ll go away with time but this transition phase is tough stuff.
3) The substitutes are great but don’t expect it to taste the same
To fix my cravings for the time being, I make foods that taste like chicken or hamburger and although they are very delicious they don’t taste the exact same. Don’t expect them to! If you’re looking for some good brands, my favorites are Boca, Gardein and Morning Star.
4) You have to make sure you’re getting all of your nutrients
College can be tricky when it comes to juggling school, work, extra curriculars and a social life and you’re probably going to be exhausted from just that. One of the most common mistakes vegetarians make is not getting enough Iron which meat eaters get through red meat consumption. Not getting enough Iron can make you feel drained and tired but once you start adding other Iron rich foods (like potatoes and chickpeas) you will start to notice your energy coming back.
Being a vegetarian isn’t as complex as people make it seem, it just takes time to plan out and monitor what you’re going to eat. So for whatever reason you choose to become a vegetarian for, just make sure you’re staying healthy and enjoying it! There’s no sense in doing anything that you don’t find fun so grab a cookbook or take a look on Pinterest and start discovering new foods and recipes!
UNH Her Campus writer
This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!