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Tips and Tricks to Keep Your Hair Healthy

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Do you have bleached or dyed hair? Or maybe even both? These are some tips and products for you. This is what has helped me keep my hair healthy after bleaching it from brown to platinum blonde for four years, and then going back to dark brown. 

When I first dyed my hair blonde, it took multiple sessions to get it where I wanted it. You can imagine how damaged and dry it felt. After many products, I finally found a product that not only took out the brass but also conditioned it, plus it was not too expensive. This product is Bust Your Brass by Amika. It can be purchased on the website itself, hair salon stores, Amazon and now even at T.J. Maxx. When I was using it, I had to buy it off the website but I have been seeing it at T.J. Maxx and that is SO helpful, trust me. I used this product at first as much as needed because, with my well water at home, it definitely needed some brightening. However, I started to only use it about once a week when I got the color refreshed. 

The next product I used in between the days I wasn’t using Amika was from the brand Purezero. I found it at Target during my junior year of high school and have not bought anything else since. It does not have any sulfates or extra chemicals, and they come in big pump bottles and they are almost always on sale at Target which is obviously a great bonus. They have repairing, conditioning and strengthening versions. The scent is subtle but amazing. Letting your conditioner sit while you do something else is a trick for time management and also making that hair healthier because if you wash it off right away, it would not have had the time to really condition. Also, make sure to only use it on the middle to ends of your hair. I found myself having to wash my hair less without putting it on top to avoid that greasy look. 

Once I dyed my hair back to my natural dark brown, it again needed some repairing and conditioning. So a product that I have been loving is the Sun Bum hair mask. I have tried out an endless amount of hair masks, however, this one has just given me everything I wanted. I especially will use them after the weekend when I have put more heat on my hair than normal; I’ve found that once every two weeks is enough. The other hair masks just did not last as long and weren’t giving the amount of moisture I needed. I try to not wash my hair THAT much, I would say about 3 times a week. 

I hope some of these products and tips work for you! 

Ciara is a sophomore at UNH, majoring in Psychology with a minor in special education!