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Things to Look Forward to for the Rest of the Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.


I’m sure all of us are feeling exhausted but none the less sad that the much anticipated Homecoming weekend, full of tailgating and no sleep has passed us, however, we still have so much to look forward to this semester.  Although, yes, Homecoming is one of the BEST weekends of the fall semester there is no doubt about it there are a ton of awesome things still left to do!  Here are a few fun things to do to help get you out of that post-Homecoming slum some of us may be experiencing!


1. Fall Break –

Fall break is UNH’s way of giving us a long weekend, but still maintaining its often-called name of “University of No Holidays.” UNH is probably one of the only schools EVER to still hold classes on Columbus Day. So this so-called “fall break” is probably a way for them to make up for actually making us come to class the Monday after Homecoming. Anyways, Fall Break is October 18th and it’s the perfect time to relax after a long Homecoming weekend or for some of us its just another excuse to have another night of rowdiness at UNH.


2.  Hockey Season –

Hockey season has finally started at UNH and it’s the perfect way to show your school spirit while having just about as much fun as tailgating for football games. Show your wildcat pride and go cheer on our awesome hockey team!


3. Halloween –

In my opinion, Halloween weekend is just as great as Homecoming weekend. What is more fun than being able to dress up as whatever you want for a whole entire weekend? One of the greatest parts about college is that Halloween lasts not only one night, but usually up to two or more. So start looking for your perfect costumes because Halloween is only a couple weeks away!


4. Formals/Cocktails –

It’s getting to be that time of year again. Formals and Cocktails are a girl’s favorite time of year when she gets to rock her favorite dress. So, girls keep your eyes open for that perfect date to someone’s cocktail!


5. Veteran’s Day –

Thank God for another long weekend starting November 11th. Finally, UNH actually decided to give us a holiday off. Don’t take this one for granted though, Wild Kitties, because it doesn’t happen often.


6. Thanksgiving feasts at the Dining Halls –

So we all know that dining hall food can suck the majority of the time, but I gotta give it to UNH dining services for always have a killer Thanksgiving dinner before Thanksgiving break starts. If you’re a freshman or simply have just never gone to one of these Thanksgiving dinners, I’m telling you now its something you don’t want to miss.


7. Thanksgiving Break –

Not only is Thanksgiving the best holiday ever because the food is so amazing, but it also means we are SO, SO close to the end of the semester. Thanksgiving is the perfect time to go home, relax, see your family and most importantly eat way too much food than you ever wanted. But enjoy this little break because once we get back to school its back to the grind before finals.


8. Finals Week –

You’re probably thinking, “why would anyone in their right mind ever look forward to finals week??” Well the way I see it finals week only means one thing: 5 weeks of no class, no homework and no exams. Yes finals week means countless hours in the library, but after those few finals it’s nothing but smooth-sailing through winter break.  

UNH class of 2015
This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!