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Life > Academics

The Basics for Navigating College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

College is hard, college life is harder. Here are some tips to make your life a little easier. 


When you get to college it’s important to know that not everyone gets along with their freshman-year roommate. I’ve seen a lot of people force friendships with their roommates just because they think they have to. Your roommate might turn out to be your best friend, but they don’t always have to be. Join clubs. Your parents are right, you make friends when you get involved. I can not stress this enough, do not stay friends with people who treat you poorly just because it’s easy. There are a thousand other people at college, you’ll be able to find someone who values your friendship. 


It is so important that you save money for school. The smartest thing to do is to create a financial plan including birthdays, holidays, going out to eat, shopping, and miscellaneous. You need to be smart about your money. Go to the dining hall if you have a pass, try to dial back your shopping addiction, don’t buy a coffee every day, and try to only buy necessary things when you are grocery shopping. 

Going to the dining hall alone is not embarrassing

Don’t miss out on a meal just because your friends can’t go to the dining hall at the same time as you. I used to be so scared to go to the dining hall alone but the reality of it is, no one cares. People are so caught up in themselves, more times than not they won’t even notice you are there. Put your headphones in and enjoy the meal. Don’t be scared to get up to refill your water or get another serving. No one is paying attention to you. Trust me, going to the dining hall alone is not the end of the world. Each time you go alone will get easier and easier and eventually, you won’t feel embarrassed at all. 

Go to class

It’s easy to fall into the trend of not going to class. I understand that sometimes it’s hard to get up and get going in the morning but you need to go to class. College is not cheap, you are paying for the classes whether you go to them or not. If you think you can teach yourself the material in the course you are wrong. If you want to pass a class you must go to it. Not going to class is only cheating yourself. Don’t be lazy and do well in school. 

Bring a Brita

If you are going to not bring one thing to college, don’t let it be a Brita. Having a Brita in your room is so convenient. If you forgot to fill up your water after class you don’t have to worry about walking all the way to the water fountain in your dorm. You have clean water in your room. I recommend putting the Brita in your fridge if it fits, nothing is better than cold water. 

Sick Kit

You need medicine. It doesn’t matter if you barely ever get sick, you will without a doubt get sick at college. Every semester, without fail. I have not met one person who has not gotten sick at least once a semester. You need Emergency-C vitamin C, allergy medicine, a form of DayQuil and NyQuil, throat spray, and tissues. Do not come to college without a boatload of medicine, you will regret it the first time you get sick and it will happen. The moment you feel even remotely sick, go to Health & Wellness. It’s there for you so use it. Do not let your sickness last longer than it should, take all precautions. 

Jade is a sophomore at the University of New Hampshire.