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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

When I joined HER Campus my sophomore year of college, I wasn’t sure what to expect. It was prime COVID days, and I was looking to join another club on campus to keep me busy. I found writing articles every few weeks to be very therapeutic during some of the dark days of masks, social distancing and zoom central. 

My junior year I decided I wanted to be more involved and applied to be part of the editorial team. Our fabulous Senior Editor at the time, Hannah Baxer was such a role model for me. Our coffee dates, weekly edits and discussion of articles made me feel a lot more involved in our org, and the production that went into it. Spring semester I went abroad and had stepped away from HER for a few months in order to juggle and embrace the new lifestyle I was experiencing in Florence, Italy. I knew I was coming back in the fall, but unsure of what my role would be until Hannah reached out asking if I would want to take over as senior editor. I instantly knew I had to accept the position for my final year at UNH. 

Flash forward, I am writing my final article, and about to edit for HER campus my last time in three years. Where did the time go?! Thank you HER for introducing me to so many fabulous groups of women over the last three years. Thank you for enhancing not only my writing abilities, but sharpening my editing skills. Thank you for the Wednesday night escapes from the stress of school, work and everything else in life. Thank you for the friendly faces I get to see around campus, and the weekly good reads that kept me so entertained. I’m so grateful to have left my mark on HER Campus UNH. THANK YOU!


Mel Matts

Mel Matts UNH English/Journalism & Italian Studies '23