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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Summer of 2022 is approaching fast. Finals week is coming up and classes are coming to an end! As a way of procrastinating, I’ve definitely been daydreaming about what I’ll be doing (aside from work) once I get the free-time that comes with summer.

Considering all of the insane things going on in our world, I think we all know this summer will be filled with insane(-ly fun) activities. 

In between the chaotic adventures, either solo or with friends, it’s always good to have some down-time; occasional rest periods included within your hot girl summer. Because, of course, every hot girl practices self-care. The broad category of rest and self-care covers quite a lot of things, including hobbies. Here are a couple hobbies I’ll be trying this summer, and maybe you’ll join me!

1. Mixed media crafts

I’ve messed around with scrapbooking and random art crafts, but mixed media crafts are something I’ve yet to touch on (surprisingly). Mixed media art basically combines a bunch of varieties of media into one single piece of artwork. Combining random scraps and pictures with some piece of fabric or a movie ticket would be mixed media art. This is perfect for combining summer memories into one piece of artwork that you can keep somewhere in your room!

Or if you think you’d like drawing or painting a bit more, pick one specific thing that’ll be the focal point of your drawing or painting. Do it once, wait until maybe a week or even a month goes by, then draw it again without looking at the first one. Look at your progress! No matter what the difference will be, it’ll definitely be interesting to compare it to your original.

If art isn’t your thing, here a few other hobbies to try:

2. your own garden

Making your own garden is something I’ve done before and will 100% be doing again. It’s somewhat of a big commitment, and it takes some thought and planning depending on what you’re planting. I’ve had success with herbs like basil and thyme, also tomatoes, green onions, leeks, eggplants, banana peppers, and cucumbers (although cucumbers take up a tonnnn of space and will overtake anything you plant next to them). I’ve learned it’s definitely trial and error, but it’s also something that anyone can do with a little bit of learning. 

If you’re not looking to start a whole garden, you can do something a little bit simpler and take care of houseplants! They brighten up any room. Taking care of plants can be pretty difficult at times though. If you’re just starting out or not feeling too prepared to become a gardener, start with succulents! They’re (mostly) easy to take care of, and are usually always okay if you forget about them for a hot minute – sometimes they even thrive if you just do nothing. They don’t require much water and can survive in the sunlight on your windowsill or just on your desk. Once you get comfortable you can move onto the bigger plants, or just stick to expanding your garden of succulents. 

3. Become a movie enthusiast

Becoming a movie enthusiast is something that basically all my friends wish I would do. I’m the type of person to have seen at least one episode of every tv show, but answer with, “no I haven’t seen that one,” if you mention pretty much any movie. Except for the Pirates of the Caribbean series – I know them all. I’ve already got a list going, mostly recommendations from my friends, and will hopefully be watching them during my downtime this summer! A couple movies on my list include Mamma Mia, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and the Fear Street movies. I also have to catch up on pretty much all the Marvel movies.

If you’re the opposite of me and know every movie and don’t know any tv shows, you know what to do! I recommend The Queen’s Gambit, Sherlock (the one w/ Benedict Cumberbatch), Good Girls, and The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window, (yes that’s actually a show).

4. Master a recipe

Cooking and baking can be extremely therapeutic. I’m often cooking or baking random recipes when I have the time, but I’ve never taken the time to master a single one and somehow make it my own- this summer I plan to do exactly that. I’ve got some ideas as to what recipe I want to make my own, but haven’t landed on a single one yet. I’m thinking of eggs benedict, (a family favorite), poptarts, mini pies, shrimp scampi, or banana bread – a wide variety of options!

I wish all of you good luck on your finals, and I hope you have the best summer you could imagine! If you’ve got any movie recommendations or recipes for me to try, send them my way. :)

Studying Hospitality Management with a double minor in Writing and Design Studies.