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The Struggles We Face Every Thursday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.


Preparing for the week can be tough when all anyone can think about is the end of it, but nothing says struggle more than getting through a Thursday. College is probably the only time in your life when kicking off the weekend on a Thursday night is acceptable- so yes, we get pretty excited about it. So in honor of all things thirsty thursday, let’s highlight some of the biggest struggles we all fight through just to clank glasses (or solo cups) with our friends on the best weeknight of all.  


1. Waking up for an early class, because let’s face it, you won’t be getting much sleep tonight.




2. The idea of skipping class, but knowing you only meet with your TR class twice a week and it probably won’t end well if you do. (Get to class!!)



3. The boys have Thursday night football- we have Shonda Rhimes. When you realize Greys and Scandal are both new but Libbys is calling your name…it’s a sacrifice we bravely make. 



4. Coming to the realization you’ve worn every pair of leggings already this week and must decide between jeans or re-wearing your dirty ones…Leggings win, and its okay girls, we all do it.



5. You suddenly think about Friday and your homework, or that 8 a.m. quiz, and you actually consider staying in…for about 5 really reflective minutes. Each time we come to the same conclusion, hit the sheets at 2 a.m. complain, say we’ll never do it again- repeat. 


6. As a result of turning up rather than in, you’ve got some music playing to make it feel like a Friday. For those living in a dorm…quiet hours can be a real buzz kill (pun intended). 



7. Wanting to order food after three hard days at the dining hall, but you realize you probably shouldn’t because the next few nights will be filled with DHop and Freddy Specials. Noms!