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Snow Day Survival Guide

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

As someone who was born and raised in New England, I have learned to adapt to all kinds of weather. Whether it’s heavy rainstorms, hail or snow, I like to think life on the east coast has made me somewhat resilient. I must admit this resilience is sometimes used to (unsuccessfully) disguise my poor judgment. Like many of my fellow Yankees, I tend to ignore storm warnings and power through unsafe road conditions. If you find yourself unable to brace the snow, it is important to find things to keep you occupied until the storm passes. Below are a couple of activities to fill your day with worthwhile alternatives.

Movie Marathon:

Regardless of your favorite movie genre, you can’t go wrong with a movie night. However, this activity is 10 times better with a friend and delicious snacks. You can watch your go-to picks or find a movie that is out of your comfort zone. One of my favorite rom-coms of all time is 10 Things I Hate About You. The film was inspired by one of Shakespeare’s plays, and Heath Ledger’s banter with Julia Stiles is entertaining. This is one movie that I could rewatch again and again. 

Cards and Board Games:

If you’re looking for a fun activity for all ages, play cards or pick out your favorite board game. This is a particularly good choice if one or more individuals consider themselves competitive. My favorite game choices include Monopoly, UNO, Apples to Apples and Clue. To make the games more enticing, feel free to throw in a prize for the player with the largest number of wins. People like free stuff so it’s unlikely they will be able to resist the chance of claiming victory.

Getting Ahead of Academics:

While this is not the most appealing option on this list, it is still important to consider routine requirements. If you are stuck inside and are unable to do anything else, it is logical to assume productivity may be the way to go. There is no such thing as getting too far ahead. Not to mention, the extra day may allow you to clean up your notes and make studying more tolerable once you return to your regular schedule. Why not make each day a little easier?

Start or Finish a Book:

Is there a book on your shelf that hasn’t been read? Maybe there is one you never finished? Regardless, I believe nothing is better than curling up with a good book and a few fluffy blankets. A hot cup of tea and a good story can keep me engaged all day long. Not only is this a relaxing activity, but studies have shown reading in the evening can improve your sleep quality. Thus ensuring you are well prepared for the following day.

Jenna is a biochemistry major at the University of New Hampshire on the pre-med track. She enjoys reading, chai lattes, and watching sunsets.