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Ryan ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.


If you’re one of the lucky ones, you’ve seen Ryan Turner strutting around campus. He’s tall, has a chiseled jaw line and is super hot. You’ve probably assumed he’s a senior and take a little moment of silence for the fact that his beautiful face is graduating. Well thank your lucky stars because this Campus Cutie is a freshman!

He seems like a super easy going guy: he’s neutral on the whole UGG controversy, thinks a girl’s personality is most important and says the keys to his heart are a good attitude and no complaining. His most embarrassing moment? Air balling a free throw during a basketball game. Our most embarrassing moment? Staring at his hotness at DHOP, because that’s where you’re most likely to find him Thursday late night. 

Relationship Status: Single, “I’ve never had a good girlfriend experience” (Ladies, let’s fix this!)
Blondes, Brunettes or Red Heads? Brunettes
Who’s your number one fan? Dave Fulling, “I’m his idol”
What’s your favorite movie? Mulan (Aww, he’s such a kid at heart)
Favorite Springtime Activity? Anything outside

And there you have it girls, this week’s Campus Cutie. A super attractive freshman who’s smart, he’s in WSBE, and hot, duh. Spring is on its way and Ryan’s ready to head up to his favorite place: Lake Winnipesaukee. Don’t miss the opportunity to check out his broad shoulders and sail away into the sunset! 


Laura Tentas is a Junior Business Marketing major at the University of New Hampshire's Whittemore School of Business and Economics. She is the Vice President of the Marketing and Advertising Club at the Whittemore School and past Vice President of Recruitment for her sorority, Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Eta Alpha Chapter. Laura enjoys snowboarding, bikram yoga and anything to do with the ocean. She hopes to some day write a novel and her favorite TV show is Law and Order SVU.