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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Meet Runkle, this weeks Campus Celebrity! You’ve probably seen him walking around campus, meeting other UNH dogs and begging the mail man for treats. He loves living in Durham, but enjoys vacationing in California and spending quiet weekends in Massachusetts. He’s a “bug” – Boston Terrier and Pug mixture, but we’re pretty sure he thinks he’s half pitbull, half great dane. 


(Gotta work hard to play hard)                                   (All treats and no tricks at Halloween!) 

Runkle loves spending time with his favorite aunts (your campus correspondents) and has even attended their outrageous apartment parties. What a party animal! Runkle loves going on long walks around campus, especially in the woods around Adam’s Tower West. And don’t worry, being named Campus Celeb won’t go to his head. Runkle says he still has time for the little things in life, like a good game of fetch or a scratch behind the ears. Cant wait to see this adorable Campus Celeb strutting around UNH this spring!

(Durham 500s for dayzzz)  



(Runkle & his BFF Junior!)                                  (Party time with Auntie Laura!) 


Laura Tentas is a Junior Business Marketing major at the University of New Hampshire's Whittemore School of Business and Economics. She is the Vice President of the Marketing and Advertising Club at the Whittemore School and past Vice President of Recruitment for her sorority, Alpha Phi International Fraternity, Eta Alpha Chapter. Laura enjoys snowboarding, bikram yoga and anything to do with the ocean. She hopes to some day write a novel and her favorite TV show is Law and Order SVU.