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An Open Letter to my One True Love

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

Dear Pizza,


I just wanted to say thank you for always being there for me whenever I need a little pick me up. You always seem to lift me up when I’m sad with your cheesy goodness. You never fail to have the right portion of cheese to sauce to crust ration. You come in all different sizes with endless amounts of toppings. No matter what way you arrive at my doorstep, you’re always looking delicious.


It doesn’t matter where I go, I can count on you being close by. I seem to find you wherever I look. I can’t seem to get you out of my mind or my hands. You are so easily portable I can take you anywhere and no one would ever complain.

The pure joy you bring me is like no other. No one could ever make me as happy as you do. So many have tried and it never feels the same. You are the best food in existence.

No matter my condition, I always make it a point to have you. In any situation, I would go get you because you mean that much to me. You are the perfect meal to have whenever or even just for a snack. You’re gooey cheese warms my soul and always makes me hungry me for more.

Even though you cost me a lot of my money, you are most definitely worth it. The money in my bank account may be decreasing but my love for you will keep growing.

Thank you, pizza, for all that you do for me.

I love you!




This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!