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(Net) Working to Land Your Dream Job

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

For many college students getting an internship or landing that first job can seem like navigating unchartered waters.  There is no doubt the process of finding the right opportunity, applying and interviewing can be incredibly confusing, stressful and tedious.  But aside from tailoring your cover letter and buying a perfect interview outfit there are other steps you can take to help you land that dream position.


Construct a Stellar Resume

Whether you are applying to your third internship or the only experience you have is scooping ice cream- there are ways to use everything you have learned in any work environment.  Ditch the high school info and include all your recent jobs, projects, extra curricular activities and volunteer work. Make your name stand out by putting a heading with your full name, phone number, address and email- and make it bold to catch a future boss’ eye. Visit Career Service’s to get advice on wording and formatting- these may seem like trivia aspects but they could make or break your professional on-paper appearance.

*Remember- No matter how much experience you have, keep your resume to one page.  If seasoned professionals can keep it to one document so can someone in their early 20’s. 


You may have heard this networking site referred to as “a professional Facebook.” LinkedIn is the Millennial’s best networking tool.  Aside from allowing you to connect with former and current employees, LinkedIn allows you to search for jobs, reach out to alumni and follow your favorite companies and organizations.  The most important thing to remember when setting up your profile- this is a professional social network.  Keep your photo to a traditional headshot, include any organizations or groups you are currently involved with and make sure everything is grammatically correct!

*After your LinkedIn profile is up to professional par- go visit your Facebook and do the same.

Career Fairs

Almost every institute of higher education has some kind of annual job fair.  It is important to take advantage of these opportunities; but the only way to do this is through preparation.   Research the companies beforehand.  By doing this you can make a rough outline of which organization you will want to talk to and in what order.  Looking over companies’ websites, blogs and Twitter feeds will give you a better idea of exactly what their goals are- and then give you a better idea of what questions to ask. 

*Best Career Fair Tip- Don’t be afraid to just walk up to anyone and introduce yourself and give a quick 30 second introduction to who you are and what you’re hoping to do.  They are there to meet future employees and want to hear from YOU!

Build an Online Presence

So, you set up a LinkedIn three years ago and your resume is as perfect as ever? What are other ways you can get a leg up in the job market? In this day in age there is NO excuse not to explore other options.  Never thought Twitter was for you? Get one anyway.  Make Twitter a resource to follow news organizations, your professional role models and your school.  Even if you don’t post anything- having a Twitter will expose you to many different types of people, information and current events.  Want to say more than 160 characters? Build a blog! It’s quick, easy and an excellent way to professionally expand your knowledge on writing and constructing digital platforms.  Following blogs in your professional field and making intelligent comments may just be the perfect networking opportunity. 

*Check out WordPresss.com to create a custom blog for free!

This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!