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My Plea For You to Get Out & Vote!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

My Short & Sweet Plea For You to Get Out & Vote!

With the Presidential election just days away, it seems to be all that anyone can talk/think about! No, this is not going to be an article about who I’m voting for or why you should vote for that candidate (although I think the answer should be pretty clear), but rather I’m taking the time to talk about why I think it is so important to vote! As not only a US citizen, but also a woman, I feel that voting is such a wonderful right and privilege. A right that many people around the world do not get to have…and a right that women in our own country did not have less than one hundred years ago. A right that women fought extremely hard to gain for themselves and future generations. We are the future generations that the suffragettes worked tirelessly for. Can you imagine the women of the Suffrage movement’s reaction to a woman being on the ballot for President? Just thinking about how less than a century ago women could not even express their political opinion through voting, and now a woman could be our next president?! That’s social and political progress at it’s finest!  

As female millennials we are so fortunate to grow up in a time where women are thriving, and still working to reach full gender equality. It’s clear we have come a very long way but still have some work to do. Today, woman are political world leaders, CEOs, award-winning scientists, and social activists; who are all doing such amazing things to prove that women are just as capable and powerful as men. They are doing things that women one hundred years ago would never have even dreamed of. All of that being said, I truly believe it is such an important duty to ourselves, our country, and our gender to get out and vote on November 8th. For me personally, it will be my first time voting – and although I wish that the election wasn’t what it has turned out to be I have faith in not only the American women, but the American population to make the right choice. While both candidates are considered “controversial”, and many people do not strongly support either one voting is still just as important. The women of the suffrage worked for over 70 years to get us to where we are today. They faced jail-time harrassment, physical violence, and so much more so that we can today today. We owe it to these ladies to let America hear our voices, and theirs!

Basically, what I’m trying to get at is vote! Take a little time to do some research on the issues you care about and the people you can elect, and then make your voice heard. We are lucky enough to live in a place were we are educated and have access to information to form our own opinions. And yes, maybe the people and things you vote for won’t win but at least you will know you did your part as a citizen of the United States. Regardless of that vote because you can and you should! Vote out of respect for those who fought for your right. Vote because you’re kind of an adult now and you can! Vote because as clique as it sounds every damn vote counts! Vote for the future of your country! And if nothing else vote for the women who worked so you could vote, even though they didn’t get the chance.

I’ll close with a recent quote from a woman who I think signifies a truly strong, powerful, and modern woman; Michelle Obama. Who just a few weeks ago spoke in our little state of New Hampshire, she said “Remember this:  In 2012, women’s votes were the difference between Barack winning and losing in key swing states, including right here in New Hampshire. So for anyone who might be thinking that your one vote doesn’t really matter, or that one person can’t really make a difference, consider this:  Back in 2012, Barack won New Hampshire by about 40,000 votes, which sounds like a lot.  But when you break that number down, the difference between winning and losing this state was only 66 votes per precinct.  Just take that in.  If 66 people each precinct had gone the other way, Barack would have lost. ” This is perfect evidence of the point I’ve been trying to make, your vote counts and you have the power to rock the vote! Plus, if Michelle says you should get out and vote you can’t really argue with that can ya’?

This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!